十五名應屆候選港姐分為五組,由江美儀、黎芷珊、高海寧、馮盈盈、賴慰玲、麥美恩等藝人或師姐帶領,除前赴內蒙古、塞班島、菲律賓、新加坡外,還有一組留守香港,並各自開展親善之旅。配合本年度主題Proud To Be A Woman,在旅途上,佳麗們會拜訪當地的傑出女性,向她們請教成功之道,務求成為最優秀的香港小姐!此外,眾位佳麗亦會體驗在地的獨特文化與生活,如參加內蒙草原的年度盛事、下水親親魔鬼魚等等。
As "Alone" enters its fourth season, the competition series shakes things up with a new twist: the contestants are dropped off in a remote location as pairs. Seven pairs of family members travel to a rugged region of British Columbia, where they are separated and dropped off miles apart from each other. Each player must navigate the wilderness to locate his or her partner. Once...